When I first brought on a CEO, she did a deep dive into all of our data to really understand the professional organizing industry and particularly Reset Your Nest. As my CEO began to understand our average job cost, the cost of acquisition for clients, the typical team size we would send out ot most jobs, and more… she discovered something.
This may be no secret for you, but it was a revelation to my CEO. Moves make money. They are the most profitable and fastest way to get a high return.
Cost of acquisition: 1 move client is equal to (at least) 5 typical single space organization projects.
Efificient use of backend tools: yes planning takes significantly more time, but not necessarily proportional. Resources spent sourcing and managing inventory are consolidated and we get more bang for our buck.
We take bigger teams and do consecutive days back to back: because our entire profit is made from the hourly labor, when there is more labor, there is more profit.
Other things we know:
Everyone moves
Moving is stressful, and most people either can’t do it alone (and let’s be honest… NO ONE wants to do it alone.
In situations where clients are moving into fully furnished new builds, they are looking for that turnkey experience. They’ve already invested in the convenience of luxury of walking into a NEW space. They want it to feel new once their belongings have arrived.

However… moves are challenging. There is so much opportunity for profit and I love delivering a premium experience at an otherwise stressful time in a person’s life, but conquering the logistics of a concierge move are not for the faint of heart.
Here or some inherent challenges we have found with moves.
New builds rarely meet their deadlines so scheduling is a constant shuffle.
Having leadership capable of managing an entire house project is a different level of responsibility from just organizing a pantry or any single space.
Often times at the time of a move, homebuyers are tapped out on funds because moving is expensive and the organization piece can feel like a “nice to have” when other aspects are a necessity
Managing the sourcing of product, the team coordination, and communication with the client is exponentially more challenging as the scope of work is proportionally greater. An easy solve for this challenge is having a team trained to take on this level of work as well as having backend systems for your business dialed in. Trust me… my first whole house move 4 years ago was a learning experience filled with back to back to back 18 hour days because I didn’t have systems in place and I was doing everything on my own.
But all these complications aside (I just like to keep it real ;) ), moves continue to be our most lucrative service and the one we are the most focused on in our marketing and outreach efforts.
It has been a major focus for Reset Your Nest the past two years and I am happy to report that the hard work is starting to pay off. Just this week, the Reset Your Nest service has taken on FOUR whole house move in projects in ONE WEEK. THE SAME WEEK. My mind is blown. It has been a truly humbling week for me to really see how far my little business (with hand written EVERYTHING– no CRM, no backend systems, super old mini van, inventory in my garage managed by my kids, and the list could go on…) has grown. We have enough lead organizers who are well so incredible that they are managing them all on their own (I helped with one this week because it was an extra special job and my team was already taxed), we have enough organizers to staff multiple large teams a day, we have an inventory system (and team) dialed in well enough that we can stay on top of the product and demands for each house, and we have KILLED IT. Getting here with systems and a team and the clients has taken a lot of time and very intentional focus… but it’s working, and I want you to know it is possible.
Like professional organizing, move-in services can be a harder sell just because it is a newer concept and there is an awareness/education piece that needs to be done for most potential clients. Even though most can agree that moving is stressful, seeking out a professional organizer for move-in services is not a typical practice. That’s why we (at Reset Solutions Consulting) created a beautiful new marketing brochure to show potential clients exactly how life changing a full move experience by a professional organizer can be. Stephanie and I are so excited about using this new tool for our own businesses that we have already customized ours, printed hundreds of copies, and have used them extensively in our outreach efforts this summer.
And guess what? We want you to have it too! We wanted to save you the hours of time it took to create this great resource and hope you will love editing it to match your brand and services.We worked hard on creating the perfect messaging and copy to talk about the transformative experience of a concierge move, but you can of course use the template to take what you like (pictures included) and change what you don’t. We hope you love it and find it to be a great tool when doing outreach to interior designers, home builders, real estate agents, and homebuyers themselves.
So tell us… have you done a whole house move before? What were your biggest challenges? Did you see the same results we have with greater profit? What do you want to know about whole house moves? We will continue to freely share the things we have learned and the tools that have brought us the most success. We truly believe that a rising tide lifts all boats. This industry of Professional Organizing has so much potential and the fastest way to realize it is to support each other.

Jen Martin
From a young age, Jen Martin, always loved organizing. As she grew older and had a family of her own, her love and value of an organized home just continued to grow. With four kids of her own, she knows how important organizational systems are to the foundation and well-being of a family's day-to-day life. Jen started Reset Your Nest in 2020 to bring her organizational skills to the rest of Utah. Her team of trained organizers has carefully and lovingly transformed the homes of over 500 homes. Jen has been featured on numerous television shows, podcasts, blogs, and books including Organized Living by Shira Gill, KSL Studio 5, AG Clever, and more.